Below are some links to Bluebird groups in other states. Great to check out - even if you just want to look at beautiful pictures of Bluebirds!
Bluebird Recovery Program of Minnesota
Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin
Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania
California Bluebird Recovery Program
Lafayette County Bluebird Society
New York State Bluebird Society
North American Bluebird Society
North Carolina Bluebird Society
Ontario Eastern Bluebird Society
Prescott Bluebird Recovery Project of Oregon
Puget Sound Bluebird Reovery Project - For a wealth of information about bluebirds including nestboxes, plantings to attract them, recipes for bluebird food, kids projects, plans for building bluebird nestboxes, and much more, to this site.
Southern California Bluebird Club
Southern Interior Bluebird Trail Society